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Welcome to Mother Teresa Academy
Welcome to Mother Teresa Academy
Dear Student,

I am pleased to give this school diary to you. I am sure you will make use of it properly. I give below a few points for your benefit and guidance regarding the use of this diary.

(i) You will bring your diary daily to school without fail.
(ii) You will note your Home work and other school activities in the Diary every day.
(iii) Your teachers will write to your Parents through the Diary. You must show it to your parents and see that you bring back replies to the teacher’s note, remarks.
(iv) Keep your Diary neat and clean.
(v) Do not got to your class without Home Task Diary. Please fix your hours for home study in consultation with your parents. Whenever you begin your study at home, first of all read the homework instructions of your teacher and work them out before you do any other thing. This habit will pay you in the long run. Besides home work notes, this diary contains others useful pages. Read them carefully and act according to them.


I. Bring diary to school daily.
II. Come to school clean, well groomed and in proper uniform with shoes well polished. It carries marks.
III. Be regular in attendance and never be late to school. Please note it carries marks.
IV. Attend morning Assembly without fail.
V. Be a good sportsman at all times, fair and honest at work and considerate to the rights of others.
VI. Look after the property of the school, help to keep it clean and tidy.
VII. Keep your class room clean and tidy, throw, waste paper, wrapper etc., into the waste basket.


Responsibility of the School

The School does not held any responsibility for the loss of books, stationary or any valuable thing of a Student during the school time or on way to school or home. However, parents are requested to keep check on their ward(s) that they do not carry valuable things to the school.

Rules of Conduct

(i) All students should come to the school in prescribed uniform None without proper uniform shall admitted to the class.
(ii) The school uniform should be clean, complete and will pressed.
(iii) Students should arrive in the school 20 minutes before the starting bell.
(iv) Students are not allowed to bring or keep costly watches, gold buttons, gold rings, expensive fountain pens, cameras etc. with them.
(v) Any kind of damage to school property will be repaired at the cost of the responsible party.
(vi) No student will ordinarily be allowed to leave the class during the teaching periods.
(vii) As regards action taken for violation of these rules, Principal’s decision will be final and binding.
(viii) Standard IX and X students have to complete 80% attendance of the total working day, otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in the final exams.

Payment of Fees

(i) A fee card for fees is attached with this School Diary.
(ii) The monthly tuition fee for each month should be paid before 10th.
(iii) Fees for the current month must be paid within the month itself. If it is paid in the next month, a fine of Rs.100/- only will be charged.
(iv) Parents/Guardians will kindly keep the card & receipts issued to them and produce them in proof of payment if needed.

School Uniform:

(i) Shirt - Green Check
(ii) Z-Green Skirt
(iii) White Shalwar
(iv) Coffee Jamper
(v) White Doopatta
(vi) Black shoes
VII.White shocks
VIII. Coffee Bledger
IX. School Tie, Belt & Badge
X. White Ribon

(i) Green Check Shirt
(ii) Pant - Z Green Pant
(iii) Black shoes
(iv) White shocks
(v) School Tie, Belt & Badge
(vi) Coffee Bledger

Parents are required to see

(i) Any remark written in school Diary for compliance.
(ii) Child does home work daily.
(iii) How the child is progressing and doing in the compliance.
(iv) Whether the child is progressing and returns form school in time.
(v) What the child bring home from school which is not his/her own.
(vi) That the articles carried by the child are properly labeled to avoid loss.
(vii) That the child gets environment to learn to hear, to speak English at home.
(viii) A child should not be allowed to bring valuable articles to school.
(ix) A child should not be allowed to bring any other book with him except the study book.
(x) Please do not hesitate in giving suggestions which would be in the best interest of out school children. If you find that the teaching is even of slightly poor standard, please bring it to the notice of the school authorities. We shall improve our teaching standard. We believe in, two minds are always better than one mind.

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