CBSE Website Circular No.CBSE/AFF/Circular/2013

Mother Teresa Academy Benipur,, Computer Lab is well equipped with modern computers to provide our students with high level of computers education. Read More
Mother Teresa Academy Benipur,, Audio-Visual teaching AIDs-(Smart Class) Our school has necessary Audio-Visual aids needed for inter-active. Read More
As a modern purpose built school building we are able to offer a range of different classroom environments to suit your particular needs. Read More
The School has well equipped laboratories for different streams of science with excellent facilities for practical work. Our school laboratories. Read More
Mother Teresa Academy Benipur, A Library is a place where within a school, students, staff and often, parents have access to variety of resources. Read More
School has facilities of sport. For small kids we have sources of recreation like see-saw and merry  go  round. For senior students it has facilities. Read More
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